OWC 원웨이클러치

미니 원웨이 클러치는 미니어처 베어링의 기술을 활용한 콤팩트하고 고성능의 1방향 클러치입니다.
Overrunning・Back Stopping・Indexing 등의 기능을 살려서 사무기기・제어장치・각종 송출 기구・단말기구 등 폭 넓은
용도에 적합한 기계요소입니다.

One-way clutch is a unidirectional bearing, which rotates freely in one-direction and clutches in the other
miniature clutches are compact fitting the shaft diameter from 3mm, and the most of the model measures
only 5.4mm in width.
clutches are also high-performance in overrunning, back stopping and indexing so that these are widely
accepted in the field of office equipment, control equipment and various other paper or bill handling mechanisms.



OWC 원웨이클러치
 작성자 : 최고관리자
Date : 2018-01-17 18:56  |  Hit : 7,851  

미니 원웨이 클러치는 미니어처 베어링의 기술을 활용한 콤팩트하고 고성능의 1방향 클러치입니다.
Overrunning・Back Stopping・Indexing 등의 기능을 살려서 사무기기・제어장치・각종 송출 기구・단말기구 등 폭 넓은
용도에 적합한 기계요소입니다.

One-way clutch is a unidirectional bearing, which rotates freely in one-direction and clutches in the other
miniature clutches are compact fitting the shaft diameter from 3mm, and the most of the model measures
only 5.4mm in width.
clutches are also high-performance in overrunning, back stopping and indexing so that these are widely
accepted in the field of office equipment, control equipment and various other paper or bill handling mechanisms.